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August 17, 2009

South Africa, Tsotsi and Oscar: A Long Term Perspective

Mehmet OZKAN
Sevilla University, Spain

The 2006 the Best Foreign Language Film Oscar Academy Award went to South Africa, and Africa at large. Based on a novel, Tsotsi is story of a township gangster in South Africa. At large, the award was not a surprise for South Africans, because last year (2005) a South African movie, Yesterday, was also being nominated for Oscar, however was unsuccessful.

Africa at large and South Africa in particular have been suffering a rate of violence crime that has been increasing, not least last five years. Put simply, this ranges from hijacking cars, breaking houses and robbery. Government is trying to prevent crime but its efforts are, in best term, worthless. Police forces enjoy no legitimacy in the eyes of public. Society does not trust them, but as they do private security companies. It is normal to see everyday a security company existing. If not solved, with a worsening and complicating situation, South Africa is heading toward a cul-de-sac.

South African society has inherited a complex social (in)security from apartheid era. Until a decade ago, society was defined in accordance with people’s race. The role of people in society was defined on the base of, not what they could achieve or could not, but what their ‘skin’ colour was. Apartheid era, which represents a period of huge human rights abuses, left an undeniable imprint on South African society, whites and blacks alike.

South Africa has deep problems. Rape and crime is the never-changing headlines of the newspapers and prime-time TV news. Society read and listen crime stories everyday; children grow by listening hijack stories of their 'brothers'; and people afraid of walking on the street because of crime; all of which do not exaggerate the main problem of South Africa, but tell the truth honestly.

Against this background, Tsotsi represents the real face of South Africa. It is the very normal story for an ordinary South African. To some, even this movie do not show the worse.

Politicians and society leaders together with the public have enthuasticaly welcomed Tsotsi’s bringing Oscar to South Africa without questioning, let alone doubting, it. Newspapers and TV commentators emphasised the role that Tsotsi could play globally: to advertise the country. However, one point is always missed. The movie, yes, advertises the country but in a bad way. If anyone sees this movie will re-think to come to South Africa for tourism purposes, where tourism is one of the fastest growing sectors and South African government pay too much attention to develop it. People must remember the influence of the Midnight Express, a movie that portrays Turkey in a very negative way. Although the movie was made in 1978, it is very interesting to see that people, mostly those who have never been to Turkey, still ask about this movie today. Even in South Africa I came across personally that people know Turkey the way it is shown in the Midnight Express. In that regard, Tsotsi’s long-term influence would be negative on South Africa. In general, Africa as a continent has been already equated with negative perceptions (AIDS, poverty, malaria etc.) for global society and ordinary people in the East and East alike; and after Tsotsi’s wide-screening globally, it would just contribute (or even support) to this existing negative image of Africa at large and South Africa in particular, I am afraid. Especially in the ahead of World Cup 2010 which will be hosted by South Africa, one needs to ask how many people might change their minds to come South Africa. In Tsotsi, there are some scenes that are really threatening. At the beginning of the movie, the scene where Tsotsi and his friends kill a man in a train is really perplexing. To add salt to the injury, the indifference of people in the train is worse. If we take into account the fact that during the World Cup, most of the visitors would be relying on train for transportation, this movie is unlikely to contribute positively on South African tourism.

The other interesting (perhaps contradicting) point is that South Africa itself has trying to create a positive image of Africa for last a couple of years, through the NEPAD project, re-awakening of the African Union (AU), and G-8 meetings. In today's world, no one can underestimate the influence of media on the people's perception, positively or negatively. It would be interesting, I guess, to wait and see the clash between a self-made Midnight Express of South Africa (Tsotsi) and a self-picked up role to depict Africa positively in South African foreign policy discourse.astly but not least, winning Oscar is good and attractive, but in the long run the movies that portrays any country negatively might be an obstacle rather than part of solution, as Turkey experienced by the Midnight Express for more than two decades.

South Africa Today: State Order Versus Social Instability

Mehmet OZKAN
Sevilla University, Spain

When Nelson Mandela walked out as a freeman on 11 February 1990 after serving 27 years in prison, most of the people were in the sense of expectation that a civil war would broke out. It did not happen, but until 1994 when real political power transformation took place from white minority to black majority, the small versions of such clashes did happen. So-called civil war, by contrast to expectations, mostly took place among blacks, namely historically Zulus’ party Inkatha Freedom Party (IFP) and African National Congress (ANC), not between whites and blacks. The period of transformation – 1990/1994- witnessed not only contradictions and rumours, but also miracles. Contradictions was the fight among blacks, the rumours were the support of white minority group to IFP to trigger the peaceful transformation. The miracle was of course the leadership that has been shown by Mandela and other ANC leaders. Today’s South Africa is still facing the dilemma of miracle, rumours and contradiction. The only difference is the players.

The term ‘apartheid’ in political literature means more than ‘separation’. Thanks to South African history, apartheid entered the political philosophy as a political system like democracy, totalitarism or fascism. After apartheid ended in 1994, last 12 years of transformation in South Africa had brought little in economic conditions of poor, and service delivery to townships. Government with all his good intention are still lacking behind the expectation. As is well-known, political transformations does not mean automatically economic and psychological transformation. Political power is important but a slippery one. It initiates projects but none can guarantee that it will see the end. After 12 years, South Africa has been figuring out its place in global politics, role in Africa and possible contribution to. South African society psychologically due to historical legacy is quite disoriented. Racism (positively or negatively) is still the most single defining factor in many ways. Different groups (Indians, blacks, whites, coloureds, etc) do still live in their own ghettoes that was created during apartheid era. Social barriers are still quite strong. Cross-racial marriage or interactions are still limited to working environment.

Corruption, HIV/AIDS pandemic and unemployment could be defined as main problems that South Africa is dealing with today. Unemployment rate ranges between %26 and %40 depending on which statistic you choose to rely. The number of people who live with HIV/AIDS is officially five million, unofficially ten million out of 43 million total populations. With this number, South Africa has the biggest AIDS population in Africa, globally only competing with India. Corruption is like a political tradition in African politics. Especially after independence, African countries have raced in two things: getting aid from global donors and corrupting it. This was especially the case for first generation leaders who took their countries to independence. The second-generation leaders seem more careful in using public money and serving the society. Though such leaders are small in number, they are more influential in international and local political context. Old generation leaders and ‘those old in heart and mind’ have thought that politics is a business, and being politician is seemed as merely an employment for that matter.

The corruption-HIV/AIDS context, South Africa has had its most high-profiled judgment recently. President Thabo Mbeki fired Former Deputy President Jacob Zuma in 2005, because the latter having found a ‘generally corrupt relations’ with his ex-financial adviser by the Durban High Court. While this high profile corruption case is waiting to take its course in June-July, the nation has shocked by another incident that linked to the same person, Jacob Zuma. An old friend’s daughter who has HIV issued a rape case against Zuma. Even though the court concluded that Zuma is found ‘not guilty’ on 9 May 2006, during the court proceedings the largely white-dominated media has cartoonized a high-profiled Zuma basing their arguments on rape and HIV.

Psychological and mental imprint of apartheid history on South African society are quite vivid. As is the case in all colonial societies, South Africa’s psychological and mental liberation are still on the way. Far from having new, indigenous and local intellectuals, the society is battling to find solutions for deep-seated problems. Although, there is an increasing group of intelligentsia who are ready to re-define South Africa from many perspectives, the number of them and most importantly the influential ones are few. This nascent group is different from those who become influential after the independence in colonial countries in Africa. The group are, to a large extent, more preoccupied with Africa than South Africa. They deeply believe in African Renaissance- the rhetoric that has been favoured by Thabo Mbeki of South Africa. In that field of transformation, there can bee seen huge hope for future, which might re-define Africa’s role in global politics in coming years in general.

While South Africa consolidated internal politics during Mandela presidency (1994-1999), after Mbeki elected it developed and implemented more rational and long-term oriented policies internally and externally. Internally government engaged a huge redistribution of wealth process between historically advantaged whites and historically disadvantaged blacks. Black Economic Empowerment and Affirmative Action have been the pioneering plans in this regard. It is not necessary to go into details but it is fair to say that there is many controversies related to these a plans. Highly respected people in the society such as Desmond Tutu, who won also Nobel Peace Prize, are very critical and saying it serves only a small group of people rather than entire society. South African president Thabo Mbeki’s brother Moeletsi Mbeki has become more critical by saying South African state is ‘a distributing state rather than productive one’.

Overall South African society and government have been dealing with to transform society. ‘Transition’ took place in 1994, but ‘transformation’ is still taking time, it seems it will take more. Economical, mental and social injustices are the words to define South African society. On the one hand, there is a strong government with a strong economy, on the other, a weak society and social economy in terms of social conditions prevails. One is a timely-bomb; the other is the engine of Africa. The imbalances between state and society is something to watch carefully in South Africa, because unless a balance is created, South Africa will be living on the verge of crisis and social disorder.